Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Sara 1st ice skating

A few weeks ago my friend Sophia's dad put up an ice rink.They do it almost every year and it was my very first time I ice skated.Here is a pic...
Sara7(almost 8)     Sophia9(almost 10)     Jessica11
I LOVE ice skating.If you have not ice skated yet find a rink and try out ice skating!
I had a great time~Sara


  1. I LOVE ice skating, too! When I was growing up in Slater we had a skating rink, a shallow pond,that the Firemen would fill with water. We would spend hours skating then go home and make hot chocolate with marshmallows!

  2. Sara,
    I grew up ice skating in my backyard also...that looks like so much fun and wonderful memories you will have with your sister :)

  3. What an awesome winter activity to do! Good for you guys for getting out there and enjoying the outdoors!

  4. Good for you Sara. I would enjoy watching you and Jessica ice skate.

    Love, Grammie


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