....what was your pick for your next vacation spot? Reply in the comment section of the last post, or this one if you'd like, and let me know where you chose! Even if you aren't journaling along with us, you can still reply. Just curious where people like to visit!
My very smart cousin got my place on her first try. That picture on my last post is indeed Colorado! Maroon Bells, just outside Aspen, to be exact. They are two peaks standing at about 14,000 feet and I read that they are considered to be the most photographed peaks in North America. For those of you that know me, you know I love Colorado! It is the only place I have ever visited and felt truly at home while I was there. I can't explain it but it just felt like I could live there and call it home. Thankfully Kevin feels the same way. Who knows if we will ever end up there (because lets face it, we'll be where ever our girls are!), but I really would like to take Jessica and Sara there!
True story: Kevin and I both seriously considered getting married there at the base of Maroon Bells, CO! We knew our wedding would probably be much smaller than it was but we didn't care. We knew those that could come would come. My reason for not going through with it was at that time my Grandmothers, Jessie and Dossie, were both alive and I wanted them at my wedding. It was worth it to have them there with us on our wedding day so no regrets. Just a bit of back story for you. :)
Anyway, I leave you with a photo from last January, the 21st to be exact.
Remember the white stuff? My girls can't wait for it to arrive and I'm looking forward to it too!
Don't forget, let me know where you'd like your next vacation spot to be!
We'll talk soon!